New Car Blues

It isn’t every day that one buys a new automobile.  Therefore, it should be an occasion marked with at least some measure of anticipation and excitement as I drive the shiny, as yet undented chariot off the dealer’s lot.  So why do I feel like I want to go directly home, cover my mirrors, and

By |2012-12-15T09:00:27+00:00December 15th, 2012|Categories: Kvetching, Pets, Shopping, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Remote Possibilities

What I’m about to say is not exactly breaking news.  This is something that every wife and female significant other knows only too well.  While we can congratulate ourselves on having made great strides in the fight for equality with males in many arenas, there remains at least one battle zone where men are holding

By |2012-07-31T09:30:40+00:00July 31st, 2012|Categories: Men, Relationships, Spouse, Technology, Uncategorized|Tags: , |0 Comments


I think I have figured out the afterlife. If I go to heaven I will be surrounded by wonderful delights that are no longer accessible to me here on earth. For example, for years I enjoyed eating a particular mint candy that, in addition to having just the right amount of zing, also happened to

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