Report Card

I don’t think I’m suffering from paranoia, but I am resolutely convinced that someone from Apple is spying on me.  What other explanation can there be to account for the weekly messages that appear on both my i devices (phone and pad) summarizing my screen time? Not only do these messages mathematically tally my screen

By |2021-09-14T13:51:42+00:00September 15th, 2021|Categories: Technology, Time|2 Comments

In Defense of Tuesday

I have this friend.  Let’s call her Nicky.  (Short for the five-cent coin.)  Nicky is an otherwise smart and sensible woman, but she does have her idiosyncratic causes.   For example, she once took on the haters and formed a support group for people over 65 who refused to give up their AOL account.  Riding on

By |2021-03-31T15:43:57+00:00March 31st, 2021|Categories: Schedules, Time|8 Comments

Doomsday and Other Celebrations

Well, we’ve made it to the end of another year.  And in spite of predictions to the contrary, you might have noticed that the earth as we know it was not destroyed on December 21, 2012.  That is, unless you’re still hiding in your underground shelter and are not planning to emerge until your beef

It’s Just A Matter of Time

The other day I met a friend that I hadn’t seen for a long time.  “So,” she asked, “are you still working?”  “No,” I answered, “I’ve recently retired.”  “So,” she asked again, “how have you been spending your time since you retired?”  She might as well have asked me to explain Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

By |2012-10-15T09:51:36+00:00October 15th, 2012|Categories: Retirement, Schedules, Time|Tags: , |9 Comments
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