Nook, Book or Kindle?

Once upon a time, not too long ago, there was just The Book.  No, not THAT book, but a book.  You remember.  Actual printed pages encased between two covers.  And the only decision to be made was whether to buy the hard cover edition or wait for the cheaper, lighter weight paperback version. Then along

By |2013-12-02T09:26:22+00:00December 2nd, 2013|Categories: Reading, Technology|Tags: , , , , , |4 Comments

Lord, Won’t You Buy Me A Mercedes Benz….

It is October, and adhering to the biannual rhythm of our recent life, we have returned to Florida.   The flight fortunately was uneventful, and we arrived, as scheduled, on the same Saturday on which we boarded the plane.  The dogs arrived on Sunday, driven from Connecticut by their faithful friend and chauffeur, Kevin.  After unpacking

By |2013-10-31T10:56:31+00:00October 31st, 2013|Categories: Driving, Technology|0 Comments

The Road Not Taken

It was my personal opinion that if your car had a GPS, your marriage had at least a fifty percent better chance of lasting than the national average.   I confess that this conclusion was not based on a government-sponsored scientific research study, but rather on anecdotal evidence gathered from years of road trips with two

By |2013-07-31T09:00:13+00:00July 31st, 2013|Categories: Driving, Relationships, Spouse, Technology|2 Comments

The Shape of Things To Come

I am starting to have serious concerns about the survival of our species.  There is no reason to believe that humans can last forever with our current anatomical design. I mean, just consider the dinosaurs. They walked the earth for 150 million years, and might still be around today if they had been willing to

By |2012-08-15T10:05:10+00:00August 15th, 2012|Categories: Anatomy, Evolution, Technology|Tags: , , , |5 Comments

Remote Possibilities

What I’m about to say is not exactly breaking news.  This is something that every wife and female significant other knows only too well.  While we can congratulate ourselves on having made great strides in the fight for equality with males in many arenas, there remains at least one battle zone where men are holding

By |2012-07-31T09:30:40+00:00July 31st, 2012|Categories: Men, Relationships, Spouse, Technology, Uncategorized|Tags: , |0 Comments


Thank you, Bill Gates.  Thank you, Steve Jobs.  You may have saved my marriage.  Because of you, my husband and I hardly argue any more.  That is because we hardly talk anymore.   Instead we send each other abbreviated, misspelled, unpunctuated messages via e-mail and texting. “Honey,” I write in an e-mail from my computer to

By |2012-02-15T09:49:10+00:00February 15th, 2012|Categories: Relationships, Spouse, Technology|Tags: , |3 Comments
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