
    Becoming the Quibblers

    When I was a young married person, I would sometimes find myself in the company of an older married couple who had been together for a very long time.  And it was impossible not to notice that they would frequently disagree over the most unimportant subjects.   And this disagreement would invariably lead to an argument.

    By |2016-12-01T13:45:07+00:00December 1st, 2016|Categories: Marriage, Relationships, Spouse|14 Comments

      Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow…..

      When it comes to decluttering, the world seems to consist of two types of people: those who are able to divest themselves of inanimate objects once they’ve outlived their usefulness, and those who would sentimentally cling to an old rubber band. Darned if I know why letting go of things is so difficult for some people,

      By |2016-07-30T12:36:47+00:00July 30th, 2016|Categories: Clutter, Housekeeping, Marriage, Spouse|3 Comments


        I am of the firm opinion that if a project is advertised as something you can do yourself, it should be exactly that.  Yourself.  Alone.  No assistance required.  And therefore, no possibility of discord with the significant other. It is with this belief that, singularly, I have tackled furniture purchases from Ikea and Crate and

        By |2015-01-31T08:52:13+00:00January 31st, 2015|Categories: Spouse|9 Comments

        How To Disturb The Peace

        Looking over the kitchen counter, I can see my husband.  He is in the living room, sitting in his favorite chair, reading the newspaper, and leisurely enjoying his second cup of coffee.  It is early morning, and he’s still in his pjs, bath robe and slippers.  It is one of those days when he doesn’t

        The Road Not Taken

        It was my personal opinion that if your car had a GPS, your marriage had at least a fifty percent better chance of lasting than the national average.   I confess that this conclusion was not based on a government-sponsored scientific research study, but rather on anecdotal evidence gathered from years of road trips with two

        By |2013-07-31T09:00:13+00:00July 31st, 2013|Categories: Driving, Relationships, Spouse, Technology|2 Comments

          Mea Culpa

          This is so awkward! The situation in which I currently find myself is both embarrassing and humbling.  But I must be strong and endure the humiliation of a public confession. Over the past year, I have written about the tiny, but not insignificant, imperfections in my married life.  I have shared with you the fact

          By |2013-01-31T09:55:40+00:00January 31st, 2013|Categories: Driving, Guilt, Relationships, Spouse|Tags: , |4 Comments

            Remote Possibilities

            What I’m about to say is not exactly breaking news.  This is something that every wife and female significant other knows only too well.  While we can congratulate ourselves on having made great strides in the fight for equality with males in many arenas, there remains at least one battle zone where men are holding

            By |2012-07-31T09:30:40+00:00July 31st, 2012|Categories: Men, Relationships, Spouse, Technology, Uncategorized|Tags: , |0 Comments
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