Words I Never Want to Hear Again in 2025!

Spoiler alert: I griped about this very same topic a couple of years ago, but apparently no one was listening!  I’m still hearing the same robotic-like comments from well-meaning people, comments to which I feel coerced to politely respond.  And it’s the “politely respond” part that I find particularly irksome.  Call me cranky, or something

By |2025-01-17T21:40:59+00:00January 17th, 2025|Categories: Kvetching, Language|0 Comments

Impeachment Fever

For a time, I was really worried.  My observation of some agitated Congress persons was leading me to believe that a new strain of virus had again escaped from some laboratory, or from a free range chicken who had inadvertently flown inside the Capitol. I concluded that contact with this virus affected the part of

By |2024-05-18T19:23:59+00:00May 18th, 2024|Categories: Kvetching, Politics|6 Comments

Larks and Owls

I hate morning people! Oh, you know who you are.  You’re the ones who wake up happy with a smile on your face after achieving a restful, restorative sleep, never waking even once to pee.  You’re the ones who can pop out of bed at 5:00 am and rush off to the gym, exercise, shower,

By |2023-03-30T13:52:05+00:00March 31st, 2023|Categories: Kvetching|4 Comments

Words I Never Want to Hear Again in 2023!

Hi folks.  Happy New Year!  This is the last time I shall say “Happy New Year” in 2023.  It’s the middle of January.  It’s enough already!   There should be a National “Say By” date when it is no longer appropriate to utter those three words.  Much like a “Use by” or a “Sell by” date

By |2023-01-15T20:45:49+00:00January 15th, 2023|Categories: Kvetching, Language|11 Comments

Want to Add Years to Your Life? Try Complaining.

What a great time to be a professional complainer.  Like myself.  And to have written a how-to book about the subject, which will, no doubt, be catapulted to the best seller list due to a recent article in The New York Times. Nearly 10 years into my third-act career and I have finally been validated. 

By |2021-10-31T13:31:39+00:00October 31st, 2021|Categories: Kvetching|1 Comment

Want to Add Years to Your Life? Try Complaining.

What a great time to be a professional complainer.  Like myself.  And to have written a how-to book about the subject, which will, no doubt, be catapulted to the best seller list due to a recent article in The New York Times. Nearly 10 years into my third-act career and I have finally been validated. 

By |2020-01-31T14:35:27+00:00January 31st, 2020|Categories: Kvetching|4 Comments

Still Complaining After All These Years

     Everyone is writing a book these days – John Kerry, Michelle Obama, Bob Woodward, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Chris Christie, Howard Schultz, Susan Goldfein.  Susan who? See, that’s the problem.  No one knows who I am! And the field is so crowded, that I don’t stand a chance in hell of being invited

By |2019-01-31T15:06:24+00:00January 31st, 2019|Categories: Blogging, Kvetching|13 Comments

Getting In Touch with Your Inner Hostile Person

As an adult at the outermost limit of middle age, I admit to embracing  two bits of pop psychology by which I try to live out my days: staying in touch with my inner child, and not sweating the small stuff. Generally, the two popular wisdoms co-exist side-by-side rather peaceably.  In addition to being playful

By |2015-06-30T08:39:39+00:00June 30th, 2015|Categories: Kvetching|0 Comments

How To Complain When There’s Nothing To Complain About

I knew this day would come.  I’ve been dreading its arrival for over three years.   It’s that very disquieting sensation of tranquility, however temporary, when your existence has reached an unsettling plateau of comfort.   And, try as you will, you just can’t seem to find anything to complain about. I know how enviable the circumstance

By |2015-03-31T08:00:00+00:00March 31st, 2015|Categories: Kvetching|4 Comments

Alternate Realities

Friends – even if you are one of those people who claim to be only vaguely interested in television, and swear that you watch only PBS soap operas, British spy movies, The History Channel, or Bloomberg Business, you must be aware that the new season is upon us.  I, for one, am an unabashed TV

By |2013-09-30T09:27:44+00:00September 30th, 2013|Categories: Aging, Hair, Kvetching, Relationships, Retirement, Snowbird, Television|Tags: |2 Comments
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