The Grandkids Are Coming, The Grandkids Are Coming! (Four Years Later)

    One of the rites of winter in Florida is the annual visit of the grandchildren.  Four years ago I commemorated this event with an essay.  Yesterday marked the end of another week that was long on fun, but short on time.  So please forgive me while I repost.  Four years later, some things

By |2017-06-30T14:38:49+00:00April 16th, 2017|Categories: Grandchildren, House Guests, Vacation|9 Comments

The Hostess with the Leastest: Random Thoughts on House Guests, Dinner Parties, and Recreational Eating

In a temporal sense, living in Florida as a Snowbird is a lot like experiencing a second childhood.  Not only do we once again have more time to play, but our very concept of time itself has strayed from the calendar year.  In reality, our days do not flow from January to December.  As children,

By |2016-04-15T20:13:03+00:00April 15th, 2016|Categories: Dining, House Guests|4 Comments

The Grandkids Are Coming, The Grandkids Are Coming!

All over south Florida the cry can be heard.  Grandparents everywhere have marked their calendars.  It’s President’s week, and the children have a school holiday.  They will visit, and life as you have come to know it will be suspended for the next five to seven days. Whether this event makes you feel like Paul

By |2013-02-28T09:23:14+00:00February 28th, 2013|Categories: Grandchildren, House Guests, Vacation|Tags: , , |3 Comments
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