The Right To Bare Arms

Overheard at Saks: Shopper No. 1:“Ooh, that’s such an adorable dress.” Shopper No. 2:  “So why don’t you try it on? Shopper No. 1:  “Are you crazy? It’s sleeveless! As we approach the warmer weather, I am convinced that this scene will be replayed over and over again in boutiques and department stores across the

By |2014-05-01T08:48:06+00:00May 1st, 2014|Categories: Aging, Anatomy, Beauty, Exercise, Fashion|1 Comment

Uncool Is The New Cool

I was at a gathering the other day when I overheard a remark that caused me to commit an impulsive act.  I shot out of my chair, ran over to a perfect stranger, and delivered a huge bear hug.  This very large man, who could have been Tony Soprano’s younger brother, was engaged in a

By |2014-03-15T08:39:07+00:00March 15th, 2014|Categories: Entertainment, Fashion, Music|2 Comments

The Color Purple?

If decisions I’ve made in my life were sorted into folders, this most recent choice would definitely be filed away under the heading “What Was I Thinking?”  It certainly would not be the only item in that file, just the latest.  In fact, if I reflect on many of the decisions I’ve made in the

By |2014-01-15T09:24:15+00:00January 15th, 2014|Categories: Beauty, Fashion, Hair|5 Comments

Steppin’ Out With My Baby

I have mixed feelings about formal occasions. On one hand, it’s an opportunity to release my inner child and play dress-up. On the other hand, my outer “mature” adult cringes as it contemplates the possible necessity of Spanx or other constricting undergarments. Even the idea of panty hose makes me shudder. So when the invitation

By |2013-06-30T09:53:38+00:00June 30th, 2013|Categories: Anatomy, Fashion, Health, Shopping|Tags: , , , , , |4 Comments

Hair: A Hate Story

So you want an accurate weather forecast? Just ask a woman.  As a gender, we are natural-born meteorologists.  And we do it without any fancy equipment.  No need for Doppler radar, barometers, hygrometers, or weather satellites.  All we have to do is step outside, remain there for less than a minute, come back inside, look

By |2013-03-31T09:40:10+00:00March 31st, 2013|Categories: Fashion, Hair|Tags: , , , , |5 Comments

Setting The Standard

Election day is almost here and thank goodness! After November 6th we can perhaps look forward to some respite before those tiresome political commercials are replaced by equally tiresome holiday commercials.  Or perhaps not.  In any event, I hope my readers have appreciated that  my blogs have been non-political.  At least until right now! I

By |2012-11-01T09:46:13+00:00November 1st, 2012|Categories: Anatomy, Fashion, Shopping|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Out of the Closet

Twice a year I am forced to confront a terrible truth.  The catalyst for the reckoning happens to be bi-latitudinal (if there is such a word!) living.  I migrate, like the birds, south in the winter and north in the summer.  Unlike the birds, who seem to have mastered the art of traveling light, I

By |2012-06-30T09:53:55+00:00June 30th, 2012|Categories: Fashion, Shopping, Snowbird|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

What Would Jackie-O Wear?

Dear Emily Post: I am a woman of a certain age; revealing the precise number at this time is not necessary.  The mere fact that I remember who you are attests to my longevity. I know that you do not claim to be a fashion maven, but I’m writing to you because you are the

By |2012-01-25T16:55:32+00:00January 25th, 2012|Categories: Fashion|Tags: , |3 Comments
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