Tune-Up Time

Dear Readers:      In the event that anyone actually noticed, I want to apologize for my absence during August.   I was not lolling on a beach somewhere in the south of France, but rather, at home, coping with the August heat, and scheduling my fall line-up of medical appointments.  Apparently, the roster of specialists

By |2024-09-08T13:05:11+00:00September 8th, 2024|Categories: Aging, Anatomy, Doctors, Health|2 Comments

Stiff Upper Lip

My husband, bless his soul, has figured out a unique and effective way to guarantee social distancing.  He has grown a mustache.  While I believe that I’m as affectionate as the next guy,  it’s hard to arouse enthusiasm about puckering up when I feel I’m about to kiss my hair brush. I think it’s only

By |2020-05-14T20:29:14+00:00May 15th, 2020|Categories: Anatomy, Beauty, Hair|14 Comments

A Modest Proposal

I would like to have a conversation about bare-chested men.  And no, this topic did not arise from some erotic fantasy in which I was a castaway on a deserted island with Vladimir Putin.  But rather, a reality that I have confronted on a rather regular basis now that the weather has heated up here

By |2019-04-15T13:57:46+00:00April 15th, 2019|Categories: Anatomy, Men|8 Comments

Flipping Out

The other evening, I accidentally discovered a new link to my inner child.  I lost my front tooth.  Or, as my dentist exclaimed, “My dear, you have fractured your incisor.”  Call it what you will, I now have a gaping space in my mouth that is aligned with my left nostril, and completely visible when

By |2019-04-16T14:30:06+00:00February 28th, 2019|Categories: Anatomy, Dentists|11 Comments

Failure to Print

     My husband and I just returned from a successful 10-day holiday.   I deem it successful because we managed to avoid almost all of the hazards of traveling.  We had:  no flight delays, no lost luggage, comfortable hotels, absence of intestinal backlash, good weather, and letting others do the driving, which greatly minimizes opportunities

By |2018-09-30T13:54:15+00:00September 30th, 2018|Categories: Aging, Anatomy, Travel|5 Comments
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