Books by Susan Goldfein

With credentials bestowed upon her by her last birthday, Susan Goldfein is highly qualified to tarnish the golden years. And she does so with the usual wit and wisdom we have come to expect. Following on the heels of her first two award-winning books, How Old Am I in Dog Years and How to Complain When There’s Nothing to Complain About, this collection of hilarious essays comments on her personal, but highly relatable, journey through the decades.
Only Susan can write about the ‘joy’ of getting older. Facing our golden years has never been so enjoyable.
Dan Roberts, Publisher/Editor, The Vegas Voice
Susan Goldfein is funny. Very funny. If you are over sixty (and I am) and you need a laugh, a lift, or a better outlook on life, read her book.
Andy Levine, Host, Second Act Stories Podcast
Aging is not for sissies, but isn’t always serious either. So, thank the stars that Susan’s here to lighten things up!
Marcia Smalley, Life Coach, Writer, and Teacher
You can purchase “Laughing My Way Through the Third Stage: Selected Essays That Skewer the Golden Years” from Amazon.

Susan’s second volume of essays should give her audience nothing to complain about. If you’re expecting more insightful, relatable and snark-filled glimpses into the foibles of ordinary events, she does not disappoint. Following on the heels of her award-winning first book, she continues to find irony and humor in the everyday. Susan spares no punches as she tackles such topics as marriage, the indignities of aging, social norms, and Barry Manilow fan shaming. She candidly questions the need for electric toilet bowls, and why anyone would want to try an anti-wrinkle cream made from an artichoke.
“Susan’s on a roll again! More wise and witty insights to laugh us down the highway.” Willie Nelson, singer, songwriter, actor, and author
“Guides us through “age-hood” with unique style and wit…” Judith Marks-White, author of Seducing Harry and Bachelor Degree
“Never ceases to be hilarious…” Julie Gilbert, novelist, biographer, playwright, and teacher
“A joyride through the golden years…”Terri Bryce Reeves, editor, Lifestyles After 50
You can purchase “How to Complain When There’s Nothing to Complain About: More Thoughts About Life from the Far Side of the Hill” from Amazon.

How Old Am I In Dog Years? is a joyous, snark-filled, and completely relatable collection of essays that skewer the foibles of ordinary events. How Old Am I In Dog Years? was a winner in the 2016 Delray Beach Library’s Authors’ Showcase and was a Silver Medalist in the 2016 Independent Publisher (IPPY) Book Awards in the humor category.
“The life examined is worth living, especially if it’s this deep and funny.” Willie Nelson, singer, songwriter, actor and author
“Funny and fabulous…” Jan Tuckwood, presentation editor, The Palm Beach Post
“Casts the Golden Years as antic realism…” Julie Gilbert, novelist, biographer, playwright, and teacher
“Written with wit, style, insight, and great good humor.”William Hayes, producing artistic director, Palm Beach Dramaworks
You can purchase “How Old Am I in Dog Years?” from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
Susan Goldfein holds a doctorate in Communication Disorders from Teachers College, Columbia University, which, while affording her success as a clinician, teacher, and consultant, has done absolutely nothing to prepare her for creating a blog or a book.
With topics ranging from marital “bliss” to wearing stiletto heels at an age when one should know better, Susan blends just the right amount of the absurd into her daily life to keep her readers laughing — and thinking. After all, where else can you find reality TV with a senior slant, or organic food shopping with a side of wry? This sparkling collection will appeal to mothers and daughters alike, as well as the fathers and sons trying to figure out what the other side really thinks.