Enjoy Wry & Relatable Humor That Pokes Fun At Everyday Life
Observations about life from the far side of the hill
Susan started writing when she discovered, in retirement, that she looked terrible in golf clothes and canasta had way too many rules. Looking for something personally meaningful to do that did not require wearing polo shirts, she enrolled in a class for fledging writers. Not quite ready to tackle the great American novel, she began to write short, witty essays about life from the perspective of “a woman of a certain age.”
Deciding that the world needed another Erma Bombeck and\or Nora Ephron, with a bit of Andy Rooney thrown in for good measure, she went public. Susan created her blog, now called Susan’s Unfiltered Wit, where she continues to entertain her generation of pre-baby boomers and beyond with new posts twice a month.
A Not-So-Joyful Noise
Would you consider eating out on a New York City subway platform during rush hour a pleasant dining experience? I hear you all scoffing at the idea as you imagine the din of two express trains simultaneously roaring into the station. Then why oh why do we frequent restaurants where the noise level exceeds a front row seat at a Jimi Hendrix rock concert? Quick answer. Because we have little choice. If you, like millions of others, engage in what my friend labelled “recreational eating,” then often what you make for dinner is a reservation. And everyone wants to sample
Transition in the Time of COVID
So it's June and we finally made the seasonal move. We left hot and steamy Florida for the cooler air of New England.
Since the onset of Covid-19, we have been experiencing a Zoom boom! The company, which has existed since 2011, has suddenly become everyone’s
Stiff Upper Lip
My husband, bless his soul, has figured out a unique and effective way to guarantee social distancing. He has grown a mustache. While
Isolation Diary – Part II
The daily paper tells me that today is Monday. I’m not due to publish this until Thursday. No problem. That’s three more defrosted
Isolation Diary
Diary? Whom am I kidding? Keeping a diary implies that you know what day of the week it is. Which I don’t. For
Humor in the Time of Corona Virus
First of all, I want to make it perfectly clear that none of this is my fault. Yes, I know, I
Talk to Me
So your Gen Z grandkid is home from school. (Can you believe she’s in college already!?!) You overhear her talking on her iGen
To Do, or Not to Do, that is the Question
So I just had another birthday. How do I feel about that? Since you only stop having them after you’re dead, I guess