Enjoy Wry & Relatable Humor That Pokes Fun At Everyday Life
Observations about life from the far side of the hill
Susan started writing when she discovered, in retirement, that she looked terrible in golf clothes and canasta had way too many rules. Looking for something personally meaningful to do that did not require wearing polo shirts, she enrolled in a class for fledging writers. Not quite ready to tackle the great American novel, she began to write short, witty essays about life from the perspective of “a woman of a certain age.”
Deciding that the world needed another Erma Bombeck and\or Nora Ephron, with a bit of Andy Rooney thrown in for good measure, she went public. Susan created her blog, now called Susan’s Unfiltered Wit, where she continues to entertain her generation of pre-baby boomers and beyond with new posts twice a month.
Supplementary, my dear Watson!
No, this is not an exposé about Sherlock Holmes overdosing on vitamins. But it is a commentary about vitamins and other nutritional supplements guaranteed to improve your mental acuity, your energy level, your ability to stay awake past 7:30 PM and your overall quality of life or your money back, as seen on TV! As one who watches entirely too much television and isn’t inclined to channel surf when a commercial interrupts my favorite Law and Order rerun, I tend to notice the advertisements. And perhaps it’s because I’ve just added another candle to my cake that I’ve become acutely
In Defense of Tuesday
I have this friend. Let’s call her Nicky. (Short for the five-cent coin.) Nicky is an otherwise smart and sensible woman, but she
Utter Nonsense
Yeet! Get ready Boomers and Pre-Boomers, it’s Spring Break time again and your Gen Z grandkids are on the loose. Want to spend
I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar…….
Today, March 1st, marks the beginning of Women’s History Month. Or, from a feminist perspective, it’s Women’s HERstory Month. But “Tomato
Group Membership
I reached a milestone birthday this past weekend. No parades, no fireworks, and I respectfully social-distanced with my friends by not inviting them
Streaming My Life Away
Dinner at 5:30? You’ve got to be kidding! Where do you think I live, in south Florida? Well, truth is, I do live
Laughing My Way Through the Third Act
“The older you get, I have to say, the funnier you find life. That’s the only way to go. If you get serious
Wonder Drugs
Hey, 2020. Here’s your hat. What’s your hurry? I think the sentiment is universal. Perhaps even interplanetary. Most of us can’t wait for
Light at the End of the Tunnel
Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, arrived at sundown on Thursday, December 10th. No complaints this year about the holiday arriving too