Enjoy Wry & Relatable Humor That Pokes Fun At Everyday Life
Observations about life from the far side of the hill
Susan started writing when she discovered, in retirement, that she looked terrible in golf clothes and canasta had way too many rules. Looking for something personally meaningful to do that did not require wearing polo shirts, she enrolled in a class for fledging writers. Not quite ready to tackle the great American novel, she began to write short, witty essays about life from the perspective of “a woman of a certain age.”
Deciding that the world needed another Erma Bombeck and\or Nora Ephron, with a bit of Andy Rooney thrown in for good measure, she went public. Susan created her blog, now called Susan’s Unfiltered Wit, where she continues to entertain her generation of pre-baby boomers and beyond with new posts twice a month.
Tune-Up Time
Dear Readers: In the event that anyone actually noticed, I want to apologize for my absence during August. I was not lolling on a beach somewhere in the south of France, but rather, at home, coping with the August heat, and scheduling my fall line-up of medical appointments. Apparently, the roster of specialists has grown since last year, because it felt as if I was My Charting and Patient Portal-ing right up until Labor Day. I don’t mind the My Charts so much. It's entering the Portals that conjure up images of the Pearly Gates. Which is exactly
Tune-Up Time
Dear Readers: In the event that anyone actually noticed, I want to apologize for my absence during August. I was not
The Oys of Summer
It occurred to me the other day, as I gratefully entered an air-conditioned space, that I hate summer. Maybe it’s global warming, or
Sweat and the City
It’s summer 2024 and this genetically predisposed city kid is once again happily roaming Manhattan’s upper west side, walking Sam the dog, and
Impeachment Fever
For a time, I was really worried. My observation of some agitated Congress persons was leading me to believe that a new strain
The List, Redux
Exactly seven years ago, following an incident involving my husband and the whereabouts of fresh garbage bags in our kitchen, it occurred to
What’s in a Word?
Would cheugy by any other name be as drip? Now that I’ve completely confused my Spell Check as well as anyone reading this,
Supplementary, my dear Watson!
No, this is not an exposé about Sherlock Holmes overdosing on vitamins. But it is a commentary about vitamins and other nutritional supplements
Notorious SBA
Every February there is someone I like to honor, an important woman whose birthday should not be overlooked. So, without apology,