
Enjoy Wry & Relatable Humor That Pokes Fun At Everyday Life


Observations about life from the far side of the hill

Susan started writing when she discovered, in retirement, that she looked terrible in golf clothes and canasta had way too many rules.  Looking for something personally meaningful to do that did not require wearing polo shirts, she enrolled in a class for fledging writers.  Not quite ready to tackle the great American novel, she began to write short, witty essays about life from the perspective of “a woman of a certain age.”

Deciding that the world needed another Erma Bombeck and\or Nora Ephron, with a bit of Andy Rooney thrown in for good measure, she went public. Susan created her blog, now called Susan’s Unfiltered Wit, where she continues to entertain her generation of pre-baby boomers and beyond with new posts twice a month.

Words I Never Want to Hear Again in 2025!

Spoiler alert: I griped about this very same topic a couple of years ago, but apparently no one was listening!  I’m still hearing the same robotic-like comments from well-meaning people, comments to which I feel coerced to politely respond.  And it’s the “politely respond” part that I find particularly irksome.  Call me cranky, or something worse, but it’s getting more difficult to stop myself from blurting “Don’t tell me what kind of a day to have!!!!” By the way, Happy New Year!  This is the last time I shall say “Happy New Year “in 2025.  It’s the middle of January. 

By |January 17th, 2025|Categories: Kvetching, Language|0 Comments

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