About Susan Goldfein

Born and raised in New York City, Susan currently splits her time between Florida and Connecticut. She lives with her husband, and the world’s cutest dog, Sam, a rough-coat Russell Terrier. Susan gives her audiences a sideways view of life on a range of relatable topics. Whether skewering marriage, growing older, fashion, the media, politics, or money matters, her light touch keeps people laughing – and thinking.

Silver Lining

So the other day I was on the phone with my friend Doris (not her real name).  She’s had a very rough winter.  Some strange malady has been sapping all her energy.  The slightest household chore sends her crawling to the sofa to lie down.  Her doctors have assured her that it is nothing life

By |2015-05-16T08:35:50+00:00May 16th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |4 Comments

Eye Opener

By any chance, do you to remember an old movie called The Enchanted Cottage starring Robert Young and Dorothy McGuire? It was released a long time ago, 1945 to be exact.  If you don’t remember it, please don’t lie and tell me it’s because you weren’t born yet.  I happen to know how old you

By |2015-04-15T08:52:49+00:00April 15th, 2015|Categories: Aging, Anatomy, Beauty, Doctors|4 Comments

How To Complain When There’s Nothing To Complain About

I knew this day would come.  I’ve been dreading its arrival for over three years.   It’s that very disquieting sensation of tranquility, however temporary, when your existence has reached an unsettling plateau of comfort.   And, try as you will, you just can’t seem to find anything to complain about. I know how enviable the circumstance

By |2015-03-31T08:00:00+00:00March 31st, 2015|Categories: Kvetching|4 Comments


I am of the firm opinion that if a project is advertised as something you can do yourself, it should be exactly that.  Yourself.  Alone.  No assistance required.  And therefore, no possibility of discord with the significant other. It is with this belief that, singularly, I have tackled furniture purchases from Ikea and Crate and

By |2015-01-31T08:52:13+00:00January 31st, 2015|Categories: Spouse|9 Comments

Brisket Reconsidered

I’m so glad this holiday season is over.  Because if I hear one more boast about brisket, I think I’m going to spray paint someone’s Dutch oven.  When did brisket emerge as the national dish of December? And where was I when this was happening? Clearly not in the supermarket purchasing Lipton’s Onion Soup Mix.

By |2015-01-15T08:00:37+00:00January 15th, 2015|Categories: Cooking, Dining, Holidays|5 Comments


So here we are, once again on the threshold of a new year.   How many times in the next 24 hours will you say or think: Where did the time go? So I won’t bother to repeat it here.  (But where did it go?) Do you still consider making New Year’s resolutions? If you don’t

By |2014-12-31T08:50:03+00:00December 31st, 2014|Categories: Blogging, Holidays, Rituals|0 Comments
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