
About Susan Goldfein

Born and raised in New York City, Susan currently splits her time between Florida and Connecticut. She lives with her husband, and the world’s cutest dog, Sam, a rough-coat Russell Terrier. Susan gives her audiences a sideways view of life on a range of relatable topics. Whether skewering marriage, growing older, fashion, the media, politics, or money matters, her light touch keeps people laughing – and thinking.

My Dinner with Donald

When I started my website almost four years ago, I made a silent vow that there were three areas about which I would never write:  family (husband being the exception), religion, and politics. And 86 essays later, I’ve managed to stay faithful to my promise.   That is, until now. Unfortunately, there are some temptations that

By |2015-09-30T08:07:11+00:00September 30th, 2015|Categories: Politics|2 Comments

Romancing The Crone

For those of you who have imagined me lounging by the pool for the month of August, that couldn’t be further from the truth.  In fact, I’ve been lounging on my screen porch, which is nowhere near the pool, and doesn’t dictate that I wear a bathing suit.  But I have not been idle. As

By |2015-09-17T08:50:35+00:00September 17th, 2015|Categories: Aging, Fantasy|2 Comments


It’s not your imagination.  There are more TV commercials intruding on your favorite programs than ever before.  Or should I say, the actual programs appear to be filling in the time between  clusters of annoying commercials. These days, even Charlie Rose can’t seem to get a word in edgewise.  No wonder he has so many

By |2015-07-31T09:18:40+00:00July 31st, 2015|Categories: Doctors, Medicine|7 Comments

Generation ___________?

It occurred to me the other day that I was invisible.  Not just me, but my entire generation.  It appears that we lack importance.  I’m basing this rather sad conclusion on the fact that we have been entirely overlooked by the folks who bestow catchy cohort labels. Let’s get specific.  At the risk of revealing

By |2015-07-16T08:35:03+00:00July 16th, 2015|Categories: Generations|6 Comments

Getting In Touch with Your Inner Hostile Person

As an adult at the outermost limit of middle age, I admit to embracing  two bits of pop psychology by which I try to live out my days: staying in touch with my inner child, and not sweating the small stuff. Generally, the two popular wisdoms co-exist side-by-side rather peaceably.  In addition to being playful

By |2015-06-30T08:39:39+00:00June 30th, 2015|Categories: Kvetching|0 Comments

No “F” in (the) Way

As a “woman of a certain age” who attempts to chronicle life’s nonsense with wit and wisdom, it is completely understandable that one of my role models should be Nora Ephron.  To me, she was the gold standard.   When it came to humorous essays from a female perspective, no one did it better.  After all,

By |2015-06-15T08:44:20+00:00June 15th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|5 Comments

Pop Quiz

There is nothing that says “old” more than conversing with someone several decades less ancient than you, and having absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.  The grammar and syntax seem familiar,  but the actual words may as well be Urdu.  This could bring tears to the eyes even to those among us with Twitter

By |2015-06-01T08:48:01+00:00June 1st, 2015|Categories: Communication, Language|2 Comments

Silver Lining

So the other day I was on the phone with my friend Doris (not her real name).  She’s had a very rough winter.  Some strange malady has been sapping all her energy.  The slightest household chore sends her crawling to the sofa to lie down.  Her doctors have assured her that it is nothing life

By |2015-05-16T08:35:50+00:00May 16th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |4 Comments
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