About Susan Goldfein

Born and raised in New York City, Susan currently splits her time between Florida and Connecticut. She lives with her husband, and the world’s cutest dog, Sam, a rough-coat Russell Terrier. Susan gives her audiences a sideways view of life on a range of relatable topics. Whether skewering marriage, growing older, fashion, the media, politics, or money matters, her light touch keeps people laughing – and thinking.

Old Ironsides

At first, I wasn’t sure why my mind wandered to this particular topic.  It might have been the sense of  torture brought on by endless exposure to political gurus. Or perhaps it was the stomach ache which followed an uncontrollable fit of laughter.  The latter occurred  as I was perusing the latest issue of The

By |2016-09-30T08:00:55+00:00September 30th, 2016|Categories: Anatomy, Fashion|3 Comments


Are you, like I am, ready to throw in the towel? Cry uncle? Knuckle under? Abandon hope? Turn the TV screen to the wall? Make promises to God?  Then you are, like I am, suffering from the malady known as Election Fatigue, or in drug company lingo, EF.  And there are still fifty-four more days

By |2016-09-15T12:30:24+00:00September 15th, 2016|Categories: Politics|4 Comments

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow…..

When it comes to decluttering, the world seems to consist of two types of people: those who are able to divest themselves of inanimate objects once they’ve outlived their usefulness, and those who would sentimentally cling to an old rubber band. Darned if I know why letting go of things is so difficult for some people,

By |2016-07-30T12:36:47+00:00July 30th, 2016|Categories: Clutter, Housekeeping, Marriage, Spouse|3 Comments

Here’s the Thing…..

No doubt my priorities are all screwed up.  There’s so much going on in the world that cries out for serious attention and consideration, and here I sit, obsessing about Viagra commercials. Gun violence, Brexit, terrorist explosions, to say nothing of the upcoming political conventions during which two flawed candidates will be nominated to run

By |2017-12-28T13:55:53+00:00July 16th, 2016|Categories: Advertising, Anatomy, Men, Relationships|5 Comments

Bowled Over

On any given day, there are countless reminders that I am an old person.  Not least of which is the pain in my lower back when I uncurl my body from the driver’s seat of my car.  There is also the fact that I now prefer to sit when putting on my panties, for fear

By |2016-06-15T12:50:50+00:00June 15th, 2016|Categories: Aging|10 Comments

Summer Is A Bummer

Admittedly, I’m not a big fan of nostalgia.  My capacity for fondly recounting the good old days is about half a cup.  Sure, I have pleasant memories of growing up in the 40s and 50s, but I’m not about to initiate a petition for the return of Howdy Dowdy, or lobby the fashion industry to

By |2020-06-04T15:30:50+00:00May 31st, 2016|Categories: Aging, Nostalgia|4 Comments

April Is The Cruelest Month…

April is a month that seems to inspire poetry.  However, Chaucer, who praised April in his prologue to the “Canterbury Tales” would certainly not have agreed with the opening line of T.S. Eliot’s famous poem, “The Wasteland,” quoted above.  But then again, Chaucer was not a woman who had to face the terror and humiliation

By |2016-04-30T12:35:16+00:00April 30th, 2016|Categories: Aging, Beauty, Fashion|6 Comments
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