About Susan Goldfein

Born and raised in New York City, Susan currently splits her time between Florida and Connecticut. She lives with her husband, and the world’s cutest dog, Sam, a rough-coat Russell Terrier. Susan gives her audiences a sideways view of life on a range of relatable topics. Whether skewering marriage, growing older, fashion, the media, politics, or money matters, her light touch keeps people laughing – and thinking.

Your Space or Mine?

Question:  What do a lion and a woman walking into her Zumba class have in common? Before you make a phone call to the nearest mental health facility, please read further and allow me to explain my seemingly ridiculous question. A fact about lions:  they are very territorial and have been known to occupy the

By |2017-07-11T19:19:46+00:00February 28th, 2017|Categories: Habits, Invisible|10 Comments

True Enough

Kellyanne Conway.   I am in awe of you.  But at the same time, you are an enigma.  I regard you with such a broad spectrum of feelings that I have no idea how I’ll respond to you from one day to the next.  Not that you care.  You don’t know me.  I’m a mere speck

By |2017-02-05T13:46:27+00:00February 5th, 2017|Categories: Language, Politics|10 Comments

The Alexa Quartet

Have you met Alexa? No? Then let me introduce you.  She’s the offspring begat by Amazon to be your very own personal assistant.  She joins the company of other disembodied  voices  created to be at your service:  Siri, Cortana, and Miss Google Assistant, who, as far as a know has not yet been granted a

By |2017-01-15T13:44:23+00:00January 15th, 2017|Categories: Fantasy, Technology|6 Comments

#ICYMI and Have FOMO, Read This!

Hey, all you geezers out there!  Do you think you’re still cool? If you do, it’s a sure sign that you’re not.  Because if you were, you’d be Gucci. Have no idea what I’m talking about?  That might indicate that you aren’t woke.    Don’t worry.  I’m here to help.  The enormous popularity of social media

By |2016-12-15T13:49:53+00:00December 15th, 2016|Categories: Communication, Language|10 Comments

What Elephant?

Friendships have a lot in common with a marriage.  You are drawn to another person because, among other reasons, you like the same things, or he\she make you laugh, or because he is able to secure a reservation at the most popular restaurant in town. But then an important issue arises about which you and

By |2016-11-01T12:44:43+00:00November 1st, 2016|Categories: Friends, Politics, Relationships|6 Comments

What Happens in the Locker Room Stays in the Locker Room?

To borrow a catch phrase from George Takei:  Oh My!  What a field day for the snarksters!   Could we possibly be living in a better time? Pre-election daily life has turned into a satire of pre-election daily life. Such a plethora of new material with each news cast, tweet, and so-called presidential debate, one hardly

By |2016-10-15T12:46:45+00:00October 15th, 2016|Categories: Communication, Politics|3 Comments
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