About Susan Goldfein

Born and raised in New York City, Susan currently splits her time between Florida and Connecticut. She lives with her husband, and the world’s cutest dog, Sam, a rough-coat Russell Terrier. Susan gives her audiences a sideways view of life on a range of relatable topics. Whether skewering marriage, growing older, fashion, the media, politics, or money matters, her light touch keeps people laughing – and thinking.

Isolation Diary

Diary? Whom am I kidding? Keeping a diary implies that you know what day of the week it is.  Which I don’t.  For any orientation at all, I rely on the daily newspaper delivery, which miraculously arrives at our house each morning. Part of my husband’s physical fitness routine is walking to the edge of

By |2020-04-15T13:46:19+00:00April 15th, 2020|Categories: Schedules|16 Comments

Talk to Me

So your Gen Z grandkid is home from school.  (Can you believe she’s in college already!?!)  You overhear her talking on her iGen iPhone to her bestie.  It sounds like she’s speaking English, but is she? Not that you mean to be nosy, but you don’t understand a thing she says. But if you want

By |2020-03-15T14:09:12+00:00March 15th, 2020|Categories: Language|4 Comments

To Do, or Not to Do, that is the Question

So I just had another birthday.  How do I feel about that? Since you only stop having them after you’re dead, I guess I feel pretty good.  In fact, I’ve recently made some serious investments in the future by electing to renew my car registration for two years instead of one, and my membership in

By |2020-02-29T19:42:43+00:00February 29th, 2020|Categories: Aging, Relaxation, Retirement|8 Comments

Love Has Its Day

          Did you know that Valentine’s Day has been celebrated since 496 AD? So it’s not some contemporary occasion created by the greeting card companies!  St. Valentine, a Roman Catholic clergyman who was martyred on February 14, is the patron saint of lovers, epileptics, and beekeepers.  Surely there is a connection

By |2020-02-13T20:39:41+00:00February 14th, 2020|Categories: Relationships, Spouse|0 Comments

Want to Add Years to Your Life? Try Complaining.

What a great time to be a professional complainer.  Like myself.  And to have written a how-to book about the subject, which will, no doubt, be catapulted to the best seller list due to a recent article in The New York Times. Nearly 10 years into my third-act career and I have finally been validated. 

By |2020-01-31T14:35:27+00:00January 31st, 2020|Categories: Kvetching|4 Comments

No handbook for life after work, so 78-year-old Palm Beach author wrote one

This wasn’t the first time that Susan Goldfein had considered a transition. But in her early 70s, the part-time Palm Beach resident saw the ending of the job she had given her all to, and at a point where many consider retirement, she found that "‘retire’ was like a four-letter word," she says. So instead of taking

By |2020-01-16T17:15:21+00:00January 16th, 2020|Categories: Media, News, Reading|0 Comments


Perhaps it’s the post-holiday season lull, or the lull in my brain due to a horrid head cold, but lately I find myself pondering insignificant, mundane communication transactions that occur with regularity in our daily lives.  I catch myself ruminating about things I would normally ignore.  For example, the other afternoon, when the check-out person

By |2020-01-16T19:55:34+00:00January 16th, 2020|Categories: Communication|6 Comments
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