Is it Something I Said?

No, it’s not!  Full disclosure.  I DID NOT write the following essay.    I was speaking to my partner-in-crime, the person who helps me clutter your inbox once a month, and bemoaning the fact that I was running out of ideas.  Over the past 12 years, I have succeeded in raising kvetching to an art form,

By |2025-02-17T14:54:00+00:00February 17th, 2025|Categories: Technology|8 Comments

Words I Never Want to Hear Again in 2025!

Spoiler alert: I griped about this very same topic a couple of years ago, but apparently no one was listening!  I’m still hearing the same robotic-like comments from well-meaning people, comments to which I feel coerced to politely respond.  And it’s the “politely respond” part that I find particularly irksome.  Call me cranky, or something

By |2025-01-17T21:40:59+00:00January 17th, 2025|Categories: Kvetching, Language|0 Comments
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