In Defense of Tuesday

I have this friend.  Let’s call her Nicky.  (Short for the five-cent coin.)  Nicky is an otherwise smart and sensible woman, but she does have her idiosyncratic causes.   For example, she once took on the haters and formed a support group for people over 65 who refused to give up their AOL account.  Riding on

By |2021-03-31T15:43:57+00:00March 31st, 2021|Categories: Schedules, Time|8 Comments

Utter Nonsense

Yeet!  Get ready Boomers and Pre-Boomers, it’s Spring Break time again and your Gen Z grandkids are on the loose.   Want to spend some time with them and be really savage?  Then don’t be baby and learn to talk the talk! Yes, it’s time for our annual English as a Second Language quiz.  Challenge your

By |2021-03-15T13:46:12+00:00March 15th, 2021|Categories: Language|2 Comments
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