Husbands in Cars Going to Costco (with apologies to Jerry Seinfeld)

It is the common wisdom that men, especially men of a certain generation, do not like to shop.  In fact, a British survey of over 2,000 people found that men became bored after only 20 minutes of shopping, while women could go for a full two hours.  This should come as a surprise to no

By |2017-11-30T15:02:41+00:00November 30th, 2017|Categories: Shopping, Spouse|12 Comments

Pecking Order

Recently, I’ve been giving a good deal of thought to kissing.  In fact, I believe it’s becoming a mild, and hopefully temporary, obsession.  The type of kissing to which I’m referring is not the romantic, erotic “French” kiss (yes, I still remember those), but the less passionate and tongueless social kiss. I’m fairly certain that

By |2017-11-15T13:54:32+00:00November 15th, 2017|Categories: Manners, Relationships|2 Comments
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