Getting In Touch with Your Inner Hostile Person

As an adult at the outermost limit of middle age, I admit to embracing  two bits of pop psychology by which I try to live out my days: staying in touch with my inner child, and not sweating the small stuff. Generally, the two popular wisdoms co-exist side-by-side rather peaceably.  In addition to being playful

By |2015-06-30T08:39:39+00:00June 30th, 2015|Categories: Kvetching|0 Comments

No “F” in (the) Way

As a “woman of a certain age” who attempts to chronicle life’s nonsense with wit and wisdom, it is completely understandable that one of my role models should be Nora Ephron.  To me, she was the gold standard.   When it came to humorous essays from a female perspective, no one did it better.  After all,

By |2015-06-15T08:44:20+00:00June 15th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|5 Comments

Pop Quiz

There is nothing that says “old” more than conversing with someone several decades less ancient than you, and having absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.  The grammar and syntax seem familiar,  but the actual words may as well be Urdu.  This could bring tears to the eyes even to those among us with Twitter

By |2015-06-01T08:48:01+00:00June 1st, 2015|Categories: Communication, Language|2 Comments
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