Stop Me Before I Volunteer Again……..

I have become quite convinced that retirement causes a chemical reaction.  Stimulated perhaps by the monthly receipt of the social security check, a bodily response occurs on the glandular level, resulting in the production of a certain pheromone. Unlike the pheromones emitted to attract a mate, the substance in question triggers a very different kind

By |2014-06-30T08:50:30+00:00June 30th, 2014|Categories: Retirement, Volunteering|2 Comments

Roughing It?

Is there an official start date for one’s second childhood? I don’t mean the one that accompanies the onset of dotage, but a time of life when you no longer feel silly about releasing your inner pre-adolescent?  I urgently need to know, because it’s already June and I’m thinking about enrolling in summer camp. I

By |2014-06-15T08:57:00+00:00June 15th, 2014|Categories: Aging, Friends, Vacation|3 Comments
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