“Fifty Shades” Revisited

Two significant events occurred this week.  1) I had another birthday, and 2) I finally read   “Fifty Shades of Grey.” What is the link between these two seemingly unrelated happenings, you might ask?  Even if you don’t (ask, that is) you know I’m about to tell you.  My birthday, of course, forced me to confront

By |2013-02-15T09:00:06+00:00February 15th, 2013|Categories: Erotica, Fantasy, Uncategorized|Tags: |10 Comments

Mea Culpa

This is so awkward! The situation in which I currently find myself is both embarrassing and humbling.  But I must be strong and endure the humiliation of a public confession. Over the past year, I have written about the tiny, but not insignificant, imperfections in my married life.  I have shared with you the fact

By |2013-01-31T09:55:40+00:00January 31st, 2013|Categories: Driving, Guilt, Relationships, Spouse|Tags: , |4 Comments
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