Traffic University (or Things that Go Bump in the Night)

It’s three-thirty in the morning and I’m awake.  I’m awake because the dog jumped on me.  The dog jumped on me because he is afraid of thunder.  Why was there thunder? The weatherperson didn’t say anything about rain in the forecast.  I watched the late night weather and traffic reports, and remember hearing about the

Drive-Thru Nation

I noticed something at the last cocktail party I attended (which was also the first cocktail party I attended in about fifteen years).  The guest list was comprised of a mixed crowd consisting of current and former urban dwellers, who, surprisingly, got along quite well, in spite of one group secretly thinking that the other was

By |2012-04-16T10:11:57+00:00April 16th, 2012|Categories: Errands|Tags: , , |6 Comments
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